What Your Family Dentist Wants You to Know About Bad Breath

Bad Breath Springfield, IL

Suffering from bad breath? It is easy to neglect some of the most important routines when it comes to dental hygiene. While it is recommended to brush twice a day, there are a lot of key steps that many people neglect in taking care of their teeth. Let us take a look at some of the most helpful information that a dentist wants everyone to know about bad breath

What causes bad breath?

One may be surprised to learn that the odor from the mouth can be caused by many things that range from lifestyle choices to dental health concerns. Some of the causes of bad breath include:

  • Eating flavorful foods
  • Drinking coffee
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Digestive problems
  • Certain medications
  • Dry mouth  
  • Medical issues 

Bad breath may be embarrassing and offensive to others, but it could also be a sign of some dental concerns. Common dental issues that may cause bad breath include:

  • Infections in the mouth
  • Gum disease
  • Tooth decay

Because there may be something serious going on inside of the mouth, one should consult with the dentist right away when noticing a change in the odor of the breath. 

Tips for improving the smell of breath 

A foul-smelling mouth is not something one should have to learn to live with. There are a few things one can do to help their breath smell better. Here are a few quick tips: 

Scrapers: Tongue scrapers are a great solution for removing bacteria, food particles, and dead cells that brushing misses. Simply use the scraper to go over the tongue to make sure to get any of those particles that may be left behind. Doing this simple thing can improve the smell of your breath drastically. 

Keep the gums healthy: A key aspect that many people overlook is keeping their gums healthy. Gum health is just as important as tooth health. The most recommended way to keep the gums healthy is to floss every day and rinse with salt water. 

Stop smoking: Another key contributor to bad breath is smoking and other forms of tobacco use. Not only is smoking a key factor in causing long-lasting gum damage, cancer, and tooth staining, it could also be the reason one is experiencing bad breath. Talk to a doctor about options for how to stop smoking. 

Moisten the mouth: When the mouth does not produce an adequate amount of saliva daily, one could be suffering from xerostomia (dry mouth). When one is not producing enough saliva, tooth decay could form, which can lead to bad breath. It is a good idea to sip on water throughout the day to make sure that dehydration does not occur. 

When to talk to a dentist 

If none of these solutions are helpful, do not hesitate to consult with a dentist to learn what to do to get your breath back to smelling fresh. Make sure to continue regular dental appointments and follow the dentist's advice to keep your teeth and mouth healthy. 

Request an appointment here: https://www.springfieldmoderndental.com or call Modern Dental of Springfield at (217) 321-4552 for an appointment in our Springfield office. 

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: General Dentist in Springfield, IL.

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